Sandalj Hranic
Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca, master of the upper Podrinje, Dabar and Herzegovina. The initiator of the independence process and the founder of the Principality of Herzegovina, who raised the level of rule in the principality to a higher level. The duke before whom the kings trembled. Heir to the Serbian duke Vlatko Vukovic Kosaca. The reign period was from 1393 to 1435.
Year of birth: 1370
Place of birth: Kosace
Father’s name: Serbian Duke Hrana Vukovic Kosaca
Mother’s name: Teodora
Wives: Jelena Crnojevic, Katarina Hrvantinic, Jelena Lazarevic
Offspring: had no male offspring
Religious affiliation: Orthodox Christian
Year of death: 1435
Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was born in Kosace in 1370 as the eldest son of Serbian Duke Hrana Vukovic Kosaca. Young Sandalj grew up with his uncle, learning the skills of governing, negotiating and warfare with him. Very early, Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was prepared to take the throne. His youth, however, is not recorded in historical documents. That era of the Kingdom of Bosnia was marked by a lot of expansion, especially in the south and east. The most deserving for those expansions was his uncle, the Serbian duke Vlatko Vukovic Kosaca. Following all that as a young man, Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was able to study on the spot and be educated as a future ruler. Watching his uncle promote his way of governing, he had a good example of successful rule and warfare skills. Unfortunately, due to the destroyed office from that time of the Kosaca family, we do not find any historical documents. As the eldest son of the Serbian duke Hrana Vukovic Kosaca and also the oldest male member in that generation of Kosaca, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca is destined to inherit the throne. The area of Kosaca and the vicinity of the river Drina, whose bed stretched next to the property, provided a constant flow of trade caravans, people, goods and ideas. That is why the Serbian duke Sanadalj Hranic Kosaca had the opportunity to always see and learn something new on the spot. As his uncle, the Duke of Serbia, Vlatko Vukovic Kosaca, took part in several great battles and victories, he was able to gain experiences from him that would provide him with the necessary information for his behavior in the role of ruler in the future.
The religious affiliation of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was unequivocally the Orthodox Christian faith. In support of this are the facts that during his life, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca erected many monuments, temples and many founding works. He prepared the temple-tomb of the church of St. Stephen in Scepan Polje for himself.
The church was built in the tradition of Serbian sacral architecture with elements of the Raska school. The late Gothic and early Renaissance are noticeable.
The elements that are built into the church itself have elements of Byzantium that provided decoration in that spirit. The church is very reminiscent of the Orthodox Church in Dobrun because it has the shape of a preslice. Serbian Duke Sandalja Hranic Kosaca determined his grave in the southwestern part of the narthex, as was done in the Nemanjic era. It all tells us about his religious affiliation. Tombs were prepared not only for themselves but also for other members of the Kosaca family. The church was supposed to be the tomb of the Kosaca family. The stone stecak covering the tomb weighs 4.5 tons and is made of one piece. The church is built of quality stone whose walls are 125 cm thick. The specificity of the church is that the altar partition, the table of honor and the stone slab are built uniquely, so that only the churches that built the Mowers have it.
Serbian Orthodox Church in Dobrun, Sopotnica, Foca as well as the monastery of Zagradje.
The church was very decorated with golden shades. It looked lavish and reminded of all the temples in the Byzantine era. The Church of St. Stephen in Scepan Polje was destroyed by the Turkish invaders. The lead roof of the church was melted, which was taken to Foca and built into a religious building of another religion. When the robbers robbed the grave, they took away valuables, but the skeleton remained undamaged. Subsequent research was done and archaeologists from Sarajevo took the skull and took it to Sarajevo. After that, all trace of her is lost. Anthropological research shows that the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca had a large forehead, which indicates that he possessed great intelligence and the ability of a wise ruler.
The persecution of the Kosaca family (Vukovic as part of the Kosaca family) by three aggressors: Turkish, Austro-Hungarian and Communist will continue until the final liberation and the emergence of the Republika Srpska.
The Kosaca family (Vukovic) survived and represent a vital branch of the Kosaca family living in the small village of Vladikovi (Foca). Their descendants are scattered around the world.
The first official historical documents mentioning the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca in 1392
Charter of King Dabisa from 15.04.1392. year to Duke Hrvoje Vukcic for recognizing the title.
The charter was sent to Duke Hrvoje Vukcic, where Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was listed as a witness to that charter. It is known that in that period, the Serbian duke Vlatko Vukovic Kosaca was alive, but he was probably very bolestan and prevented from attending the charter as a witness. That is why the young Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was present as a witness and the oldest male member of the Kosača family. Serbian Duke Vlatko Vukovic Kosaca is still mentioned in historical documents in mid-August 1392.
Financial agreement on the deposit of property in August 1392. depositing with Marusa, the wife of the protovestiary Zore Boksic
Finally, in the middle of 1393, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca took over the leadership of the Kosaca family. His mention in the charters of King Dabisa at the end of 1393 for the purpose of resolving the issue of accounts related to Zorz Boksic. Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca takes over the leadership of the Kosaca family and the territories they ruled. A significant expansion of the territory, which was taken over by the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca, was achieved by his uncle. It has significantly expanded to the areas in Dracevica, Travunija and Hum. Going out on the river Neretva, the Principality of Herzegovina slowly gained its contours. Very young at the age of 23, Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was trained to become a ruler. There is a period of weak power in the Kingdom of Bosnia, and from today’s position it is very difficult to say who was subordinate to whom. The Kingdom of Bosnia to the Kosaca family or vice versa. One thing is for sure. It was a sure path to complete independence.
Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranić Kosaca married three times. We have no descendants and we see in that the reason for leaving the throne to our son, the Duke of St. Sava, Stefan Vukcic Kosaca.
In 1396 he married for the first time. His first wife’s name was Mary. Their marriage lasted 9 years and there were no descendants from that marriage.
Nephew of Konstantin Maserek
In 1405 he married a second time. His second wife’s name was Katarina Vukcic. Their marriage had a lot of problems and conflicts, so his mother-in-law Anka got involved in the whole conflict. That marriage lasted 6 years and there were no descendants from that marriage.
The nephew of Hrvoje Vukcic and the sister of Jelena, the wife of the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca
In 1411, he married Jelena Lazarevic for the third time. That marriage lasted for a maximum of 24 years, until his death. Unfortunately, there were no offspring in that marriage either.
Daughter of Prince Lazar and widow of Durde Stracimirovic Balsic
Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca had two younger brothers. The middle brother was the Serbian prince Vukac Hranic Kosaca, born in 1372 and died in 1432. The youngest brother was the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca, who was born in 1374 and died in 1425. When it comes to the relationship of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca with the brothers, it can be freely said that their relationship was full of challenges and difficult moments, but above all, brotherly. One thing is for sure, their relationship was strong and fraternal. His brothers were always with him and always supported him when needed. The Kosace family is adorned with the characteristic that fraternal relations are highly valued. His brothers, princes, always carried out the plans of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. Therein lies the power of the Kosaca clan rule. They were with him throughout his life as a ruler. He and the youngest brother, Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca, were married to the Vukcic sisters. After the termination of the marriage of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca with Katarina Vukcic, the marriage of the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca with Jelena Vukcic was also terminated.
The beginning of the reign of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca in full capacity has been reflected since 1395, when he was intensively involved in solving trade problems on his territory. His reign marked the changes on the throne of the Kingdom of Bosnia. Queen Jelena, King Dabisa and King Ostoja, King Tvrtko II. There is serious evidence that he participated in bringing and placing kings on the throne of Bosnia. He was a great person with great authority and his word was highly valued and respected. He quickly realized that the Kingdom of Bosnia was weak and very subordinate to his strength. The first step was to control the salt trade in Sutorina and the Bay of Kotor. Due to poor control and the loss of the authority of the Kingdom of Bosnia, he facilitated the trade in salt beyond the agreement guaranteed by the Kingdom of Bosnia. He completely took the trade into his own hands and thus gained great wealth. With nice gestures, Dubrovnik tried to beg the Duke of Serbia, Sandalj Hranic Kosaca, to put the salt trade within the framework of the agreement. The people of Dubrovnik wrote to Queen Jelena that the duke had become arbitrary, but they had no mechanisms to stop him. He controlled all four outlets where salt was traded and where Vlachs came to buy salt. On the money he received from trade, he strengthened his position and the state. The people of Dubrovnik managed to make the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca smile a little by giving him the right to become a citizen of Dubrovnik in 1397. The period of his reign, as with any ruler, had its ups and downs. This also happened when King Ostoja came to the throne of Bosnia. Aggressive and belligerent, he tried to regain the position of the former king of Company I, but it was too late for that. Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca is already tol anyone strengthened that the kings of other states addressed him as an independent ruler. This claim is supported by the confirmation of the King of Aragon, where he recognizes his sovereignty and the list of cities in which he rules. Also King Sigismund, Ladislav and others who recognized his sovereignty and a list of cities in which he could collect customs duties. The first period of King Ostoja’s rule will mark the release of Radic Sankovic as an enemy of the Kosaca family. It was thought that Radic would succeed in shaking the rule of Kosac in Hum, but in the end that proved to be futile expectations. All this was connected with the incursion of the Turkish invaders into the territory under the rule of Kosaca. Due to that, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca was forced to compromise and ask for help from his allies Hrvoje Vukcic and others. During that period, he had to withdraw his wife Jelena Crnojević from Budva because the Turkish invaders were dangerously threatening her territories. By marrying a woman from the Crnojevic family, he became an enemy of the Balsics. They defeated him in the area around Budva. With the departure of King Ostoja from power in 1404, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca, together with Hrvoje Vukcic, would divide the areas he would rule. This practically means that the Kingdom of Bosnia falls into their subordinate position. Radic Sankovic was completely pushed out of Hum, so the two of them share the area around the Neretva River. Hrvoje takes over the right bank, while the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca takes the left bank. Historically, it will remain so to this day. He then becomes the independent master of the territory he rules. Introduces its own customs and army. During that period, he restarted the saltworks in Sutorina on his own after a short break. This made the people of Dubrovnik very angry because the agreements with King Tvrtko I were violated. The war between Dubrovnik and the Kingdom of Bosnia began in 1403 and lasted until 1404. He initiated significant processes of independence. Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca did not want to take part in the war with Dubrovnik because it was not in his interest. The war was led by King Ostoja, which will lead to his downfall. A truce was reached in March 1404. In the same year, King Ostoja was overthrown and Tvrtko II came to power, who was appointed by the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranić Kosaca in alliance with Hrvoje Vukcic. As a sign of good will, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca released the captured citizens of Dubrovnik. It is wrongly thought that the death of Radic Sankovic is connected with the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosac. He was not agreed to that.
In 1405, the ascent to the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca began. He then takes power into his own hands and completely controls the territories he rules. With its expansion, it went north to the city of Srebrenica. Having got the city of Srebrenica under management, where he will form the fortress of Durdevac. He completely took over the theories and wealth from Radic Sankovic, which included Hum levies, Dubrovnik villas and other material goods. He also asked for the return of the village of Lisac, which Radic sold without their consent. The people of Dubrovnik paid 1000 dues to the duke in the name of customs for the village of Lisac.
The great meeting and agreement between Hrvoje Vukcic and the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca took place in March 1405. Then he went to visit Hrvoje Vukcic. He took both brothers with him, the Serbian prince Vukac Hranic Kosaca and the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca. Vukac was diplomatically engaged with his brother, and the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca was on a diplomatic mission because his marriage was also arranged. At that time, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca married Katarina Vukcic and the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca married Jelena Vukcic.
They were half-sisters and daughters of Vuk Vukcic, brother of Hrvoje Vukcic.
The agreement for the meeting, as well as the meeting itself, took place in Split, which then belonged to Hrvoje Vukcic. He was considered a city nobleman. The wedding took place in late April and early May 1405.
The period of alliance with Hrvoje Vukcic will greatly help Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca to establish himself in his rule. He then embarked on a diplomatic initiative in negotiations with Dubrovnik, where he managed to take over the civil status for himself and his brother Vukac, as well as for their families. When he finally evicted Radic Sankovic, he took over his territories and completely went out on the river Neretva. He thus took over all road communications. By setting his own customs, he practically defined the state.
He set customs in Onogost, Ledenice, Nerezi, Nekranj, Drijevi, Buna, Nevesinje, Vrapce and Glasinje.
In August 1405, Sigismund of Luxembourg attacked the Kingdom of Bosnia and these conflicts lasted for several years. They were directly directed against Hrvoje Vukcic because they affected the territories he ruled. The great defeat of the Bosnian army marked the weakening of the Bosnian state, and in order to stop all that, the Serbian prince Vukac Hranic Kosaca went to Naples for negotiations in order to conclude an agreement with Ladislav of Naples. Due to the weakening of Hrvoje Vukcic, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca in 1406 they got the towns of Slunj, Dreznik and Cetin.
In March 1407, they got Ostrvice and Skradine. Due to the great conflicts with King Sigismund of Luxembourg, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca enters the negotiations on the armistice. As early as 1408, he entered into an alliance with him, so that his former ally and relative Hrvoje Vukcic found himself in an unenviable situation.
In 1409, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranić brought Kosaca back to the throne of King Ostoja. Although he was essentially a vassal of King Sigismund. In 1410, King Sigismund was crowned King of Bosnia and replaced King Ostoja.
In 1411, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca reached an agreement on reconciliation with Sigismund due to the war around Srebrenica. In 1411, the marriage with Katarina Vukcic was terminated due to a conflict with Hrvoje Vukcic. The marriage of the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca with Jelena Vukcic is also being terminated. The marriage ended in December 1411.
In 1411, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca married Jelena Lazarevic for the third time
Jelena Lazarevic – daughter of the Serbian prince Lazar and widow of Durde II Stracimirovic Balsic
The marriage with Jelena was concluded in later years and they both entered into marriage for political motives, but mutual respect will bear fruit and the marriage will last until the death of the great Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. Jelena was a very educated woman and enabled the improvement of positions regarding the negotiations on the status of Kotor and the coast to the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. He also entered into an alliance with her brother Stefan Lazarevic. Serbian medieval states gained meaning in alliances, which is still happening today.
In 1412, he attended a knights’ tournament in Buda organized by King Sigismund of Luxembourg because he reconciled with the Polish king Wladyslaw Jagiello. Knightly games were held in his part, where the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranić Kosaca appeared with his wife Jelena Lazarevic. There he was honored as the independent ruler of the then feudal Europe.
In October 1412, he increased his war campaigns to Kotor. His wife’s son Balsha III will help him in that. He will try to get naval weapons in order to capture the city of Kotor. And finally, after a lot of efforts in April 1414, Kotor accepted the conditions of surrender. He had to pay 12,000 ducats in the name of compensation as a vassal tribute. However, the Turkish invaders threatened the territories of the Principality of Herzegovina and he had to withdraw from negotiations with Kotor. As an ally of Sigismund, they fought together against the Turkish invaders. Stefan Lazarevic was with them. Until 1419 and the great conflict between the Turkish conquerors and Hungary, where the Hungarians were defeated. Then the pressure of the Hungarian army on the territories of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca eases.
In 1415, Prince Pavle Radinovic was killed by the people of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. His son Petar Pavlovic was captured. The plan was to eliminate the Pavlović family, but they did not succeed. The son was captured with several of his men. The brother of the Serbian prince Vuk Hranic Kosaca also took part in the murder. It happened on Pareno polje near Tjenitste.
The Turkish conquerors brought Company II back to the throne of Bosnia, which helped the Pavlović family recover, which will then jointly attack the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. The Pavlovics considered the Kosaca family to be the main culprit, and that is why the whole attack was directed at them. It will be a very unenviable position and the lowest point in the government. However, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca concluded an agreement with the Turkish invaders and a peace agreement with the Pavlovics. He married his nephew Teodora Vukcic Kosaca to Petar Pavlovic and achieved the long-desired peace with the neighbors.
In January 1419, he made an agreement on the sale of his work to Konavle in Dubrovnik. Prince Petar Pavlovic also agreed to sell his share, but that process will take a long time. On that example, everyone saw that the Kingdom of Bosnia no longer has jurisdiction in the territories ruled by Kosace and Pavlovici. The citizens of Dubrovnik did not ask for confirmation from Tvrtko II on the sale of the territory. Serbian Duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca received 12,000 ducats and a palace in Dobrovnik and civil status for himself and his family for that sale.
The contract was concluded on June 24, 1419. years
In that period, Stjepan Ostojic, the son of King Ostoja, ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Bosnia. In 1402, Duke Petar Pavlovic was killed because he came into conflict with the Turkish invaders and King Stjepan. The duchy of Pavlovic was taken over by his brother Radoslav Pavlovic, who made an agreement with the Kosaca family. In October 1420, the two families reconciled. That year, Venice decided to buy Kotor, and as a concession to the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic, Kosaca gave 600 ducats in the name of income from salt and a house in Kotor.
In 1422, the people of Dubrovnik were very upset that the sale of Drijevo and Kotor was being planned, and it was not in their interest. They are very engaged in the whole sales process.
In 1423, the process of selling Sokol in Konavle was successfully completed, so that the people of Dubrovnik were satisfied.
In 1424, the Turkish invaders invaded, but there were none major disturbances for the country ruled by the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca.
In 1425, King Sigismund of Luxembourg increased the pressure on the Kingdom of Bosnia. As a good ally of the duke, he thus strengthens his position.
In 1426, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca visited Dubrovnik with all the honors necessary for the visit of a ruler. It happened on the feast of St. Blaise. 02/02/201426 and 03.02.1426. years.
The agreement of 1427 implies that after the death of Tvrtko II, Bosnia would fall under the administration of Herman of Celje, who was related to Sigismund.
In 1428, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca reached an agreement on reconciliation with King Tvrtko II. On that occasion, the duke attended his wedding to Dorothea Gorjanski. In the same year, the king visited the Blagaj court where the duke resided. That same year, there was talk of demarcation between Dubrovnik and the Principality of Herzegovina in the Dracevica belt.
In 1429, the Republic of Dubrovnik paid an additional 3,000 ducats for the sale of Konavle because it also paid more to Prince Radoslav Pavlovic, which greatly angered the Duke of Serbia, Sandalj Hranic Kosaca.
In April 1430, the Konavle War began, initiated by Radoslav Pavlovic, who attacked the people of Dubrovnik. The first raid brought great damage to Dubrovnik. Radoslav was fickle and used the opportunity to occupy the territories. The war lasted until 1433. In that conflict, the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca kept to the side. There are historical documents that his people took part in the conflict on the side of Pavlović. Dubrovnik reacted sharply to that information. He even captured one of the important people of the Serbian duke Sandalj Hranic Kosaca. All that was used to expand the Principality of Herzegovina to the territories ruled by the Pavlovics. The town of Klobuk was obtained, almost all the way to the town of Trebinje.
Peace was finally concluded in 1432 in October.
03/15/1435 Grand Duke of Serbia Sandalj Hranic Kosaca died at the age of 65. One of the greatest rulers of the Kosač family. He left behind the heir of the Duke of St. Sava, Stefan Vukcic Kosaca. According to him, the country ruled by Kosace was named Herzegovina. The rulers who ruled it were also princes, so according to the tautology, it became the Principality of Herzegovina.