Crown Council

Counselor – writer and electrical engineer Bozidar Bjelica Japan


Bozidar Bjelica Japan was born in Nevesinje on Christmas Day 1960, when red snow fell. He started his education in his hometown, finished high school in 1979, and graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in 1985. Due to the diversity of his engineering profession and writing profession, he describes himself as “a small proof that man is not his profession”.

Another surname – Japan inherited from his grandfather Todor, who, although a merchant, was a participant in many riots and wars. At the time when Montenegro declared war on Japan, it happened in Montenegro, so his fellow citizens, noticing what a warrior he was, were convinced that he had reached Japan. Fortunately, that war was not fought, but peace was never made. Maybe that’s why Bozidar Bjelica Japan, apart from love and contemporary topics, often writes about wars, and cries out for peace.

He has covered most of the fields in his professional work. In addition, he was engaged in graphic design, art photography, karate training, rock band, editor of student radio and disc jockey, mountaineering, hunting and fishing, swimming, rowing, flying, studied weapons (published many papers in this field). , traveled, did a little journalism, even painting. He is a true lover of our medieval history.

So far, he has published four collections of poems, Naked with Emotions (Narodna knjiga, 1995), This war has no end (Student, 1997), We kissed the fire (author’s edition, 2004) and A soul woven of pearls (Interprint, 2012); two books of short stories Little Confessions (BIGZ, 2000) and Flight with the Co-Owner of Dreams (Filip Visnjic, 2009) and the novels War and Unrest (Interprint, 2005) and The Coup d’etat of Duke Stefan (Filip Visnjic, 2012), Coup d’etat – Debt to ancestors (Filip Visnjic, 2020). He has been included in several anthologies and collections of short poetry and short stories. He occasionally publishes prose and poetry in domestic and foreign magazines. He also writes plays. He is one of the editors of the extensive monograph “Nevesinje” and the author for the fields of medieval history and archeological heritage. He is a member of the Association of Writers of Serbia and the Association of Writers of Srpska. He lives and works in Belgrade. Married, has three children.